Spider veins

Spider veins specialist clinic & treatment in Geelong

Spider veins are twisted or swollen veins that are visible under the skin. These veins occur more often in your legs and rarely on your face and other parts of your body. Spider veins affect both men and women, but are most likely to be seen in women due to hormonal imbalances caused during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. The other factors which cause spider veins are obesity, lack of physical activity, sitting or standing for a long time or exposure to the sun.


Spider veins may be caused by impaired circulation of blood in the veins, however, the actual cause of this condition is unknown. The impure blood flowing through the veins may deviate and interrupt circulation causing the veins to swell. Weakness in the walls of the blood vessels close to the skin’s surface can also cause spider veins.


Sclerotherapy is considered the best treatment for spider veins. In this procedure, an irritant solution is injected into the site of the spider veins. These veins become swollen and form a scar which fades away after a few days. This therapy is simple, quick and safe. Laser therapy may be used to treat spider veins on your face.

Lifestyle changes

Certain changes in lifestyle may help you prevent spider veins. These include:

  • Lose weight if you are obese
  • Avoid tight clothes, which may hinder circulation
  • Perform physical activity which increases blood circulation on a regular basis
  • High-heels must be avoided as they put pressure on the calf muscles while walking, which may hinder blood circulation